CBEC’s OwlCam
January 29, 2014
Judy Wink has a chat with Heather Taylor about CBEC’s New OwlCam.
Background: The live video stream displays an abandoned Bald Eagle’s nest,
70 feet high in a Loblolly Pine tree, that has been occupied by nesting
Great Horned Owls for the last 4 winters. The owls are expected
to be back on the nest sometime in January.
http://www.bayrestoration.org/owlcam Stay Tuned!
The video camera is mounted above the nest, looking down into the nest and onto the water of Lake Knapp below. Often you will see ducks and geese paddeling through the water below the nest…
Once the nest is occupied, this site will include real-time commentary about the nesting behavior of the Great Horned Owl.