Chesapeake Bay Clean Up – The Choptank River as a Test Case – Concluding Observations

How do we relate what is happening in the Choptank to the rest of Bay Tributaries and Can We? Dr. Walter Boynton, Professor,
Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Lab.

Panelists from All Sessions Assemble on Stage With Dr. Walter Boynton to Focus on Three Questions:

1) Are our agricultural and urban sectors doing enough to make a difference towards improving water quality in the Choptank River?
2) Are there additional practices and next steps that both the urban and agricultural sectors should be taking now or should we stay the course?
3) Are we getting the best results for the funding that is being received or do we need to re-think targeting of funds as well as re-think how the funds are being applied and managed to get the best results?

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