Chesapeake Bay Clean Up -The Choptank River as a Test Case – State and Local Panel

Lynne Hoot, Executive Director, Maryland Agricultural Associates, Facilitator.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades &
Stormwater BMPs for the Choptank
Lee Currey, Director, Science Services Administration Maryland Department of the Environment.

Caroline County BMPs and the Choptank
Leslie Grunden, Environmental & Facilities
Planner, Planning Division Caroline County,
including work of Sea Grant Extension Watershed Specialists Jennifer Dindinger and Eric Buehl.

Agricultural BMPs and the Choptank
Jason Keppler, Manager, Watershed Implementation Program, Office of Resource Conservation, Maryland Department of Agriculture.

Nutrient Management Plans and How They Have Changed Over Time & What Is Required Jenny Rhodes, Queen Anne’s County Agricultural Educator, University of Maryland-Extension.

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